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Providing Exceptional Listening Experience

Radio: Your Source for Joy, Information, and Well-being

Since its inception in December 1906, radio has been an integral part of our lives, bringing music, entertainment, and information directly to us wherever we are. At East Carolina Media Radio Stations, we're proud to continue this legacy, offering a diverse range of genres and programming to suit your tastes.

Why Choose Radio?

Radio is the number one resource Americans turn to for entertainment, news, weather, emergency information, and so much more. Radio’s reach eclipses all other forms of media, including social media! This makes radio the best choice for advertisers!

Radio is often viewed as a legacy channel. But for that reason, it has cemented itself in the daily lives of generation after generation. Radio’s total weekly reach in the United States is just north of 82%. Katz Radio Group‘s 2024 analysis of Nielsen Scarborough radio listening data highlights that radio reaches 91% of adults aged 25-54 weekly, with an average daily listening duration of 1 hour and 12 minutes.

Radio offers an “X factor” that other channels cannot provide. It has always bound communities together and created an emotional connection with the listener. According to the Jacobs Media Tech Survey 2024, radio listeners said their connection with radio DJs and hosts is the third most important reason they listen, behind “it’s easy” and “it’s free.”

So here are the Top 10 reasons to advertise according to the Radio Advertising Bureau:

1) Reach

Radio is on 24/7, reaching 90% of people age 12 and older. Often considered a frequency medium, radio is an ideal reach medium when planned correctly.

2) Targeting

Radio's diversity of programming affords advertisers niche channels to zero in on narrow target groups. Radio allows advertisers to speak selectively to consumers they want to reach.

3) Immediacy

Radio reaches consumers close to the time and location of purchase, whether they're in-store or online shoppers. Consumers vary in their stages of the purchase cycle -- on-going Radio ads allow your product or brand to be front and center when people are ready to buy, even during off seasons.

4) Loyalty

Radio continues to be central to people's lives, especially when contrasted with the precipitous decline by other traditional media. People spend more time listening to news on the radio each day than they do reading newspapers or getting news online.

5) Engaging

Listeners feel an emotional connection with their preferred Radio stations. Radio is an active medium capable of stirring emotion, creating demand and selling products and services.

6) Intimacy

Approximately 1/3 of TV time is devoted to commercials, about 2/3 of newspapers comprise ad copy, and Internet users are now subjected to a barrage of advertising. With an average of 10 commercial minutes per hour (about 1/5 of each hour), Radio affords an uncluttered environment for advertisers.

7) Synergy

Radio has a "multiplier effect" on other media. Adding Radio increases recall of TV, newspaper, and Internet ads. Radio is proven to drive consumers to advertisers' web sites.

8) Frequency

Consumers need to be exposed to ad messages multiple times before they begin to respond. Radio's relatively low cost in relation to other media allows advertisers to use multiple stations to reach their targets and build frequency levels for maximum impact.

9) Creative Flexibility

No matter how small or large the advertiser, Radio allows creativity to brand and create a unique identity that consumers will remember. Radio advertisers can adapt quickly to changes in their own situations and marketplace to make sure their dollars are effectively utilized.

10) Cost Effectiveness

Cost Effectiveness - Radio production costs less than video and print. Radio is less expensive to buy than most major media, allowing advertisers to afford maximum reach and effective frequency.

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Radio is known to increase your brain waves.

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